Japan Airlines has a first class lounge at Osaka Itami “international” airport. The wording international is strange given that the airport only has domestic flights. Also, if you happen to fly from Osaka Kansai, you will be stuck with a way worse lounge. Now that Finnair has established what a domestic first class lounge can look like, these Japan Airlines domestic first class lounges look quite pathetic. In fact, I saw some people bringing their own bento box to the lounge.
The nicest thing about Japan Airlines domestic lounges is that you don’t have to look for them. Just go through the dedicated first class security check and you will be in the lounge lobby already. Japan Airlines calls domestic first class lounges Diamond Premier lounges, so just follow those signs if you happen to be on a connecting flights.

There are plenty of okayish seats in the lounge. During my stay in Japan, I noticed that comfort is not something one would associate with luxury in Japan. Instead, all chairs look okay, but aren’t particularly soft nor back-friendly. Or maybe I am just too tall to find the backrests sufficient.
There were many different kinds of chairs, but in the end, all of them had the same issue. None was particularly comfortable for sitting. Many of the seats had power outlets next to them, which was nice.
There is not much to say about food. The little they had was either strange or delicious. I managed to find some pastries I liked and maybe even ended up overeating. If you are looking for something healthy, go look elsewhere.
I can’t say that I am disappointed… Really… I know that domestic lounges in Japan are pure garbage, so this is a great improvement over a regular lounge. If we compare the food in this lounge on a global scale… It is probably worse than in most contract lounges in Europe. I came here expecting nothing, and I did not get disappointed.
You should not come here to eat but to drink! They do have nice sake and whisky in the lounge. All sorts of sodas, juices, coffee, tea… So the usual beverages as well.
You do not need to commit a rudeness in this lounge and talk loudly on your phone. There are phone booths for you to have private calls in. Also, if you fancy a massage, and you are short enough, you can enjoy one of their massage chairs.
Honestly, I don’t really need to visit this lounge ever again. I suppose it is better than a domestic business lounge in Japan, but I would not even consider those rooms with free soda and beer to be lounges to begin with. The level for domestic lounges is so low in Japan that a 5 star airline like JAL can get away with a substandard first class lounge. For shame!